Generate various charts based on any data you wish
Produce custom HTML dashboards with data diced any way you wish
Integrate SQL queries to aggregate / combine API data
Extract customized data into a MySQL SQL dump
Something else? Just ask. We love a good challenge!
enter your and your API URL will be sent to us immediately so we can get it working for you.
send this data to:
Send to Database
Ask us about generating a backup dump which you can use to manually generate a table (with this data) in your database.
Otherwise, you can send this data directly to your MySQL or SQL Server database right now. You must first ensure that a special login is set up that allows remote access. A new table will be created in your database before being filled with data (if a table with the same name does not already exist).
URL credentials
(If included, request will be sent as a POST, otherwise, it will be sent as GET)